Painless scaling:
Good oral health is important regardless of your age. As we age, the risk for oral infection(s) continues to increase. This is because the protective enamel around our teeth wears with age and this makes it easier for us to get a cavity. Although good daily brushing habits may prevent infection and cavities, the best way to combat this is to add regular dentist visits as well. We recommend that adults receive teeth cleanings at least twice a year.
Here at Avisienna Dental clinic, we provide painless scaling to ensure that you are comfortable throughout out the treatment and at the same time making sure that your mouth, teeth, and gums are clean and healthy.
We are here to help you decide on the right treatment for you and if you have any questions you’d like to ask, feel free to contact us at any time!
Contact us at 011-5784028 or drop us an email at

Scaling is when the dentist removes all the plaque and tartar (hardened plaque)above and below the gum line, making sure to clean till the bottom of the pocket. Ourdentist will then start root planing, leveling out your teeth roots to aid any part ofthe gums to reattach to your teeth. Through these methods, reducing the pocketsthat may have been developed between your gums and teeth will decrease the riskof experiencing, tooth, bone, and tissue loss that is related to other diseases such aschronic periodontal disease.
We use an ultrasonic cleaning device that vibrates on the surface of the teeth. This features a vibrating metal tip combined with a cool water spray. The tip removes the tartar by chipping it as the water flushes out the pocket. It is then followed by root planning.
Scaling ultimately removes the plaque and tartar deposits on your teeth. These deposits may eventually lead to mouth problems such as bad breath, bleeding gums,receding gums, and worst-case scenario, tooth loss. These are symptoms of gumdisease. So, besides keeping good oral hygiene, scaling is important to prevent gumdisease as well.
Routine scaling causes no pain with very minimal bleeding. However, In the case of thick and stubborn tartar deposits, discomfort may be felt. Our dentist will assess the situation and may or may not use a local anesthetic to reduce the discomfort of the procedure. If you are concerned with pain, do discuss this with our dentist.